Favourite Subject

In the second semester of last year we were taught about flora and fauna, I have always been very interested in that area so I liked a lot, especially because teachers were very specialized in those areas.
In the subject we were taught families as well as flowers and animals where they were located geographically, scientific names and other things. I didn't really learn everything by heart but my vocabulary grew a lot, I hope some day I'll learn all those things by heart. 
What I like most is that I discover that many species have relationships with each other, althoug I would never have imagined something like a great granfather haha 
 When I read the curriculum mesh for the first time was the subject that more I call my attention, I was very excited when I starte the first class, I liked studying it a lot, since the teachers made us do very funny jobs, enjoy a lot doing them and get very good grades <3


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